Where the Wild Things Are

There has been a trend in recent years (thank God) toward kids’ movies that adults will enjoy.  “Where the Wild Things Are” seems to have brought this trend to its ultimate conclusion: a kids’ movie that adults enjoy and kids don’t like.

We saw it last night.  Claudia and I loved it, but Sydney (11) and Ben (16) didn’t.  Rainer (13) said she did, but I’m not sure… Continue reading “Where the Wild Things Are”

Weird problem with PowerBook G4

So my stepson Walker has a PowerBook G4 that he got from his dad, which stopped booting up.  It would get maybe a third of the way through the progress bar labeled something like “Mac OS X” and then it would go to a blue screen (light blue, not BSOD-colored) and hang.

My son Ben discovered that you could boot in single-user mode (holding down apple-S while booting) and repair the disk with “fsck -fy” (perhaps several times), and then rebooting would work.  In fact, rebooting turned out to be fine in general, the problem only happened when you powered the thing down. Continue reading “Weird problem with PowerBook G4”

Palm OS to Google/Android, Part 1: What Worked (4.1)

OK, so Thursday I got my spiffy new T-Mobile “myTouch” (I’m going to call this my G2 from now on, to keep from gagging). It looks pretty cool, but of course it’s no good to me without my calendars and contacts, which are on my old Treo 650. For my calendars and contacts, I’ve used a program call Agendus from Iambic Software for a long time (I think it was called “Action Names” when I first started using it, and since then it’s gotten upto Agendus 13, so we’re talking a good stretch of time in dog years). Continue reading “Palm OS to Google/Android, Part 1: What Worked (4.1)”

OK, I give up

Added later: when  I started a blog, it was just about technology-related stuff.  I started a “general” blog later (about two months later, it looks like). Eventually I merged them—earlier this year (2017), I think. This was the first post on the original tech blog.

So until now I’ve resisted having a blog. “I don’t have time to have a blog,” I thought. Well, I still don’t have time to have a blog, but I’ve been doing various tech-y things lately, relying extensively on postings around the web to solve problems. I decided I would start the blog so that people might see how I did some of these things (and so that I could see how I did them because I forget pretty quickly, I notice).

Of course, thinking about it, I started to think about all the things I could write about… I definitely don’t have time to do those things now, but since they might come all out of order, I’m going to write down the ones I thought about and maybe fill them in later.

1. Me and computers through the ages
2. Me and PDAs through the ages
3. Nat sells his soul to Google
4. Migrating from Palm OS/Agendus to Google/Android